Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weight Gain Woes

I had my monthly check-up this morning. I'm thankful and happy to say that all is progressing normally with Baby G! Heartbeat is strong: 140 beats per minute and recent screenings have all come back negative (great news!) After next week's ultrasound appointment, I will be able to refer to Baby G as "he" or "she" and hopefully in the coming weeks start to feel his or her fetal movements rather than just gas trappings.

As far as how I feel overall, I am doing great. The second trimester is living up to its reputation as being the 'best' of the three trimesters. My nausea and vomiting have dramatically dissipated, and now I only get the occasional regurgitation (but that's usually as a result of my own doing... note to self: stay away from tuna melts for the remainder of pregnancy.) 

Now the bad news: I did learn this morning that I am gaining weight at a rapid pace. To protect my dignity, I won't reveal how much I am up to now but will assure all of you that the doctor is not concerned; he is simply encouraging me to be more prudent with the choices I make. He told me to stay away from densely caloric meals or food restaurants...try to eat smaller portions...and enjoy more nutritious foods. All sounds reasonable and practical, right? Yes, it does, but now that I'm pregnant, I have what seems to be a bottomless pit in my stomach. I'm always hungry and only densely caloric meals from fast food restaurants seem appetizing. See the conundrum? I try to eat sensibly but find myself gravitating toward said dangers. Joe has been walking with me at night to help with my pregnancy fitness but it's not enough to offset my intake. I guess I will have to try hard to fight the food urges...I'll start tomorrow though. I just had Wendy's for lunch. :-)

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