Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Countdown is ON!

Well faithful followers, the countdown is officially ON! Technically we've been on a countdown since the beginning, but now it is getting closer and closer to D-Day. According to my handy "What to Expect When You're Expecting" iPhone app (which also happens to tell me what size the fetus is every day in relation to produce), I have 8 weeks and 3 days to go. Yes. That's it. No, seriously. THAT'S IT! And if you're curious which item of produce Baby Boy G can be likened to (size-wise), well he is now the size of a head of lettuce (19 inches, 3.9 lbs.)

My last doctor's appointment showed that my belly is growing at an average rate (so not measuring too big or too small - just right.) I also found out I passed my glucose challenge test, which means I have not developed gestational diabetes (thank God!) I did - however - learn that my hemoglobin level has dropped, so I am now taking iron supplements which are made from a bovine source. Delicious. But, the doctor assured me that this is very common (even for those women who do EAT MEAT) because pregnancy hormones can dilute (lower) hemoglobin levels. Pregnancy is no joke -- it really does take a toll on a woman's body.

In other news, Baby Boy G (who does finally have a name but I will hold off on the big reveal) is certainly showing me who's boss. His kicks, punches, and elbow slices are more intense and can be felt with more gusto because there is less amniotic fluid at this stage. I can't tell you how many times I've felt [what seems to have been an elbow] dig through my rib cage earlier today. It's incredible and a little weird all at the same time.

Here is a pic of me at week 30 and then week 31 (what I am today).

30 weeks (Friday, September 30, 2011)

31 weeks - we're showing off a different angle

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